PerfectTablePlan V7 Upgrade FAQ

What has changed since v6?

We have added many improvements and new features.

Can v7 read plans from earlier versions of PerfectTablePlan?

Yes. It will even read plans from PerfectTablePlan v1! Plans created on Windows and Mac are also interchangeable.

Am I entitled to a free upgrade?

If you purchased PerfectTablePlan v6 on or after 6th February 2024 then you are entitled to a free upgrade to v7. You should already have received your free upgrade licence by email. If you haven't, please check your spam folder and try our online key retrieval system before contacting us.

Am I entitled to an upgrade discount?

Anyone who has purchased an earlier version of PerfectTablePlan, whether v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 or v6, is entitled to a discounted upgrade to v7. The upgrade licence will be issued in the same name as the licence you are upgrading from. If you are a first time purchaser of PerfectTablePlan, you aren't entitled to upgrade - you'll have to buy a new licence.

What Edition can I upgrade to?

You will be upgraded to the same edition, i.e.:

  • v6 Home edition -> v7 Home edition
  • v6 Advanced edition -> v7 Advanced edition
  • v6 Professional edition -> v7 Professional edition

If you purchased PerfectTablePlan before Editions were introduced (in v4.1.0) you will be upgraded to v7 Home edition.

Can I upgrade to a higher edition?

Yes. After you have purchased a version upgrade (e.g. v6 Home edition to v7 Home edition) then you can also purchase an edition upgrade on our edition upgrade page (e.g. v7 Home edition to v7 Advanced edition).

Can I upgrade to a lower edition?

Yes. For example, if you have a v6 Advanced edition key you can upgrade to v7 Home edition instead of v7 Advanced edition. This is cheaper, but you will lose the features in the higher edition.

I have a PerfectTablePlan licence in someone else's name. Can I upgrade it so I can use v7?

No. Individual licences are not transferable. If it is a licence in someone else's name, then you can't use that licence and you can't upgrade it. You need to buy a new licence in your own name. Organizational licences are transferable. Contact us if you aren't sure which you have.

How much does it cost to upgrade to v7?

Buying an upgrade is 60% cheaper than buying a new licence. Check the price here.

How do I upgrade multiple licences or an organizational licence?

Email us for details.

How do I prove I am entitled to an upgrade?

You will be asked to supply your v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 or v6 licence key during checkout. You can get this licence key by either:

  1. Selecting Licence>Licensing... in the version of PerfectTablePlan you currently have installed; or
  2. Inputting your email address into our online key retrieval system

If I upgrade now, what additional features will I get in future releases?

You will get every update we release for your edition of PerfectTablePlan, until we release v8. While we make no promises about future releases, we did make 17 further production releases of PerfectTablePlan v6, with improvements and bug fixes, after the initial v6.0.0 release.

Do I need PerfectTablePlan v6 installed on the computer I install v7 on?

No. v7 is a 'standalone' application, it doesn't require earlier versions of PerfectTablePlan to be installed.

Will v7 install over the top of earlier versions of PerfectTablePlan?

On Windows, from v7 the installer defaults to installing over any previous v7 releases. But you can change the folder so it installs to a different folder. Installing v7 will not remove v6.

On Mac, you may need to rename the .app file to stop it overwriting a previous

Do I have to uninstall v6 and earlier versions of PerfectTablePlan before I install v7?

No. You can if you want to. Or you can leave them installed. Given that they use minimal disk space (each version uses about the same disk space as 20 digital photos), we tend to leave them installed.

Is there anything I need to do before installing PerfectTablePlan v7?

We recommend you always back-up any important plans (e.g. to cloud storage, memory stick or another hard drive) before installing or uninstalling PerfectTablePlan.

What operating systems are supported?

See the system requirements.

Will v7 run on iPad/iPhone/Android/ChromeBook?

No. But you can export your plan to the web and access it from any web enabled device, including an iPad.

Can I try before I buy?

Absolutely! Download the free trial. You just won't be able to save, print or export plans with more than 30 guests until you buy an upgrade to v7.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes, our standard 14-day money-back guarantee also applies to upgrades.

How long will it take me to download, install and start the free trial?

Less than 30 seconds. We timed ourselves. It might take you a little longer if you have a slow Internet connection or a teenager upstairs downloading movies.

Can I buy a CD with v7 on?

No. We no longer sell CDs, due to insufficient demand. But you can download the PerfectTablePlan installer from our website and burn your own CD.

Why doesn’t PerfectTablePlan recognize my new v7 licence key?

Did you download and install v7? v6 won’t recognize a v7 key

What if I decide v7 isn't for me?

Just uninstall it. We might have a little cry, but we'll be fine. Really.

Do I have to upgrade to v7?

No, it is completely optional. You can keep using any currently licensed version forever. But hopefully the many improvements will entice you to upgrade.

Can I just wait until v8?

Sure. But it was over 5 years between v6.0.0 and v7.0.0. So you might be waiting a while...

So how do I buy an upgrade to v7?

Go to the upgrade page to make a quick and secure online payment through our payment processor, 2Checkout.

What if I have any questions or problems?

Please email us.