Compare Editions Of PerfectTablePlan

There are 3 editions of PerfectTablePlan, each aimed at a different type of user. Click on the video links to see short videos illustrating some of the features (with audio).

Home Advanced Professional
Typical users People organizing their own wedding reception, party or event Charity organizers, club secretaries and other frequent users Professional event planners
Event size Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Number of events Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Duration of licence Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Free support by email yes yes yes
14 day money-back guarantee yes yes yes
Rectangular, Banquet, Head, Custom, Circular, Semi-circular, Oval tables + rows of seats yes yes yes
Add images or textures to floor plan (video) yes yes yes
Add images to stationery (video) yes yes yes
Add background image to floor plan (video) no yes yes
E-shaped tables (video) no yes yes
Serpentine tables no yes yes
'You are here' maps in stationery (video) no yes yes
Save import mappings no yes yes
Flexible Seat numbering (video) no yes yes
Save plan as a template no yes yes
Custom guest fields (video) no maximum 2 maximum 20
Custom automatic seat assignment (video) no no yes
Automatically assign multiple seatings in one operation (video) no no yes
Edit VDU chart footer (video) no no yes
Fast table renumbering (video) no no yes
Fast table layout no no yes
Import/Export unique record IDs no no yes
Add barcoded IDs to stationery no no yes
Check-in guests with a USB barcode scanner (scanner not included) no no yes
Bulk edit proximity (video) no no yes
Import (video) guest data guest data guest + seating data + proximity data
Reports (video1, video2) summary
multi-plan summary/ matrix/ pairs (up to 3 plans)
multi-plan summary/ matrix/ pairs(up to 50 plans)
detailed (summary)
detailed (guests)

All 3 editions are contained in the same application and you can switch between them in the Preferences window. You can try any Edition, but you won't be able to save, export or print plans with >30 guests if you don't have a licence key for that edition. If you need a higher edition than you originally purchased you can upgrade your edition.

Please email if you have any questions.