Keep track of RSVPs and guest details.
Import guest details from spreadsheets or address books to save re-typing.
Choose which guests to seat together, or apart!
Arrange tables by drag and drop.
Experiment with different table sizes and shapes.
A wide range of table shapes and layouts can be accommodated, including āEā shaped tables and rows of seats.
Click a button to automatically assign guests to seats. Guests will be assigned according to who you wanted them to sit next to (or not next to!).
Drag and drop guests, singly or in groups, to fine tune the seating arrangements.
Visualise gender, groups/families, VIP status, seating preferences and more.
Print charts ordered by guest name or by table.
Choose any font or colour.
Export to Word, Excel and other applications.
Print place cards, table cards, escort cards, invitations, thank you letters, address labels and other types of stationery.
Choose any font or colour. Add colour-coded dots (e.g. to show meal choice) and images.
Guest data can be merged in with a few mouse clicks.
See key metrics at a glance in the dashboard.
Generate and print reports.
Download and install the free trial with a few mouse clicks.
You don't even have to give us your email address.