PerfectTablePlan V7 Improvements

This page summarises some of the many improvements we have made to PerfectTablePlan in version 7.


Watch the video below for a quick overview. It may take a few seconds to load.

All editions

Windows and Mac

High resolution (4K, 8K and Mac Retina) displays are now better handled.

PerfectTablePlan has a new paint job, with improved and higher resolution icons.

Windows icons

v7 Windows user interface

Windows icons

v7 Mac user interface

There are major improvements to guest import:

  • You are warned of any unmapped columns.
  • You can uncheck any guests you don’t want to import.
  • You will be warned if there are potential conflicts. E.g. 2 guests imported with the same ID or first name+last name. Issues are listed in the Import Data window rather than appearing in modal windows.
  • Guests with duplicate names are now shown with a warning icon.
  • You can choose the text encoding of text files (such as CSV).
Import issues

You can now set your own image for each guest. These could be photos of the guests from social media or an icon. For example an icon representing their military or Masonic rank. These images can be displayed in the Guests, Groups, Floor plan, Table plan, Schematic and Stationery panes.

Guest images in the Guests pane

Guest images in the Guests pane

Guest images in the Floor plan pane

Guest images in the Floor plan pane

Guest images in the Schematic pane

Guest images in the Schematic pane

Guest images in the Stationery pane

Guest images in the Stationery pane

There is a new Near not next to proximity. Automatic seat assignment will try to place guests with this proximity on the same table, but not at adjacent seats.

Near not next to proximity

Near not next to

There is a new Dashboard pane. This allows you to quickly see the overall state of your plan in a visual summary.

the Dashboard pane

The Dashboard pane

You can now export directly to Excel.

export to Excel

Export to Excel

Tables and seat rows in the Floor Plan pane now have smarter selection areas (the area you have to click inside to select it). This means you are less likely to select the table or seat row accidentally, particularly when you have curved tables or rows of seats close together.

v6 selection areas

v6 selection areas

v7  selection areas

v7 selection areas

You can now set transparent as a colour for tables, rows of seats, visualization colours etc.

v7  selection areas

A row of seats with a transparent outline

In the Preferences window you can now set the default proximities for newly added guests.

set default group proximity

Set default proximity for groups

The following fields have been added for each guest, in addition to the existing group contacts:

  • work phone
  • home phone
  • mobile
  • email
Guest contacts

Guest contacts

You can now align selected items in the Floor Plan pane into vertical columns or horizontal rows using the new Align vertical and Align horizontal buttons.

set default group proximity

Aligning floor plan items

The VDU chart has an optional contrast colour. This makes it easier for your eye to follow along a row.

VDU chart contrast colour

VDU chart contrast colour

You can now easily change table name format. E.g. from "Table x" to "X".

Change table name format

Change table name format

PerfectTablePlan is now smarter about sorting tables, guests and groups that contain a mix of letters and characters.

Tables sorted by name in v6

Tables sorted by name in v6

Tables sorted by name in v7

Tables sorted by name in v7

You can now customize the numbers shown in the Status bar.

customize status bar numbers

Customise Status bar numbers

Windows only

You no longer need to have Excel installed to be able to import Excel XLSX and XLS files.

A new Windows 11 style is available on Window 11.

Windows 11 style

Windows 11 style

Mac only

The Mac version of PerfectTablePlan can now import directly from Excel XLSX and XLS files.

Advanced and Professional editions

Windows and Mac

The distribution of values for custom fields of type selection and yes/no can be shown in the new Dashboard pane.

Custom fields in the Dashboard pane

Custom fields in the Dashboard pane

You can now set the default Display name field to include custom field values.

Including a custom field in the default Display name

Including a custom field in the default Display name

Background images in the Floor plan pane are now saved as PNG format, which makes them sharper.

Custom fields can now be saved in import mappings.

Professional edition only

Windows and Mac

Importing now allows you to:

  • Merge, create duplicates for or ignore imported guests who match existing guests.
  • Import or ignore newly imported guests that aren’t merged with existing guests.
  • Keep or delete existing guests who aren’t being re-imported.
Import data merge

Merging guest list changes

Deleting on import

Deleting on import

Merge import allows you to make changes to the original guest list, e.g. in Excel, then merge those changes into PerfectTablePlan, rather than creating duplicate guests.

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