Seating Charts, Escort, Table & Place Cards

Guests will need to know which table they are seated at so they don't have to walk around every table to find their place. This is usually achieved by displaying a seating chart or escort cards prominently at the entrance to the venue.

Table number cards are placed on tables to display the number or name of the table. If you have a large number of tables you might also want to display a floor plan to show where the tables are.

floor plan

Floor plan (created by PerfectTablePlan)

Place cards are placed at each setting to ensure guests sit in the correct seats.

If you have assigned guests to seats you will need:

  • seating chart + table cards + place cards; or
  • escort cards + table cards + place cards

If you have assigned guests to tables you will need:

  • seating chart + table cards; or
  • escort cards + table cards

These can be as simple or elaborate as you like. More important is that you have a good table plan that seats the right people together.

table planner

These tips brought to you by PerfectTablePlan

The easiest way to create a table seating plan for your wedding, celebration or event.