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This section covers common tasks that you might want to achieve. If you can't find the answer to your question here or in the rest of the Help try the PerfectTablePlan FAQ page . Most of these topics are available in a context-sensitive form from the How do I? button in the main tool bar.
Add a colour coded spot to the stationery
Add a dance floor, stage etc to the floor plan
Add a graphic/image/clipart to the floor plan
Add a graphic/image/clipart to the stationery
Add a personalised map to the stationery
Add a special character not on my keyboard
Add a title or text into the floor plan
Add/remove a single seat to/from a table
Add or remove dots at the end of titles
Align printing with my stationery
Arrange multiple seatings for an event
Assign seating by guest type/category
Assign seating by order of precedence
Assign (or reassign) seats in real time
Change how seats and guest names are displayed
Change proximity for multiple guests
Change the printer or paper size
Check who a guest was seated next to at previous events
Copy guests from one plan to another
Create a horseshoe shaped table
Create a re-usable template plan
Create rectangular tables with seats on 1,2 or 3 sides
Customize standard guest titles
Display seating on a VDU or plasma screen
Edit a property for multiple guests
Edit a property for multiple tables
Export a chart/report to Excel/Word
Export guest and seating data to Excel
Export to iPad, Android and other devices
Handle guests with unknown names
Import guest details from a website or application
Import guest details from Apple Address Book
Import guest details from Excel spreadsheets
Import guest details from Outlook
Import guest details from Outlook Express
Import guests in couples/families/groups
Improve the auto seat assignment
Insert a new guest into an existing group
Make all names have the same font size
Merge guest names into stationery
Move guests from one group to another
Only assign guests who have accepted
Organize guests by company/organization
Print invitations, place cards, badges, labels etc
Print legible plans on a small format printer
Print stationery on blank sheets
Print stationery on press-out sheets
Remove a stationery border or fold line
Retrieve old versions of the plan
Show one stationery item per couple/family/group
Show the proximity for one group at a time
Track details of non-seated guests
Turn off guest name capitalisation