Show one stationery item per couple/family/group

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Show one stationery item per couple/family/group

For some types of stationery (e.g. invitations or escort cards) it may be appropriate to only print one item of stationery per couple/family/group. You can do this by setting the Item per drop-down list at the top of the stationery_16Stationery pane to Group.

Show one stationery item per couple/family/group

Note {group_members} will show either the first name (e.g. Mr & Mrs John Smith) or initials (e.g. Mr & Mrs John Smith) depending on the setting of the Display group members as field in the Names tab of the prefs_16Preferences window.

See also:

video_16Create place cards and other stationery (video with audio, 10:08 minutes)

Move guests from one group to another