Customize standard guest titles

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Customize standard guest titles

You can add your own custom titles to PerfectTablePlan. These could be military or Masonic titles or foreign language equivalents of Mr/Mrs/Master/Miss. These custom titles can have default gender, age and VIP status, which is particularly useful when you are importing guests with known titles.

To add custom titles:

1.Open the prefs_16Preferences window.

2.Select the Titles tab.


Click on add_16Add, to add one title with a default gender, age and VIP status; or

Click on Import from current plan to import all the titles in the current plan; or

Click on Add text list... to paste in a text list, one per line; or

Click on Add pre-defined to add one of the pre-defined lists.

4.Click OK.

You may also wish to set the Default couple titles.

See also:

Handle post nominal titles

Edit a property for multiple guests

Add or remove dots at the end of titles

Assign seating by order of precedence