Assign seating by order of precedence

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Assign seating by order of precedence

'Order of precedence' seating is where guests are sat according to their precedence, rank, name of their organization or some other criteria. It is often used at more formal events, such as military and diplomatic events.

Assign seating by order of precedence

To seat by order of precedence, set the Auto assign tab of the prefs_16Preferences window as shown below:

order of precedence

Click on the sort_16Sort button at the top of the unknown_adult_16Guests pane and order your guests in the order you want them to be assigned. You can set a special, non-alphabetic ordering by title or suffix.

See also:

video_16Assign guests to seats (video with audio, 13:01 minutes)

Advanced and Professional editions only

You can order by custom fields, such as precedence or seniority.

seating order of precedence ranking

Lock any guests you don't want to (re)assigned.

Set the order of the tables/rows in the schematic_16Schematic pane to the order you want them to be assigned.

The order in which seats are filled depends on whether Seat numbers is set to clockwise or anti-clockwise for each table/row.

Select File>Auto Assign Seats.

See also:

Automatic assignment by guest order