VDU Chart pane

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VDU Chart pane

The monitor_16VDU Chart pane shows a scrolling list of guest seat assignments. It is possible to show this pane in full screen mode. This can be very useful for displaying on a VDU or plasma screen at a venue. But we strongly recommend you test this before an event to ensure that you your hardware/software is compatible with the screen and you have the correct cable.

It is not possible to change the plan from this pane.

Change the Display drop-down list to change the information displayed:

Last First to display by guest, with the last name in column 1 and first name in column 2. Ordered alphabetically by last name. Anonymous guests are not shown.

First Last to display by guest, with the first name in column 1 and last name in column 2. Ordered alphabetically by last name. Anonymous guests are not shown.

Display name to display by guest, with the display name in column 1. Ordered alphabetically by last name. Anonymous guests are not shown.

Group to display by group, with the group name in column 1. Ordered alphabetically by group name.

Advanced and Professional edition only

Select custom field of type selection to display by the values of that field. Ordered alphabetically by value.

Change the By drop-down depending on whether you wish to show seat numbers along with the table/row.

Advanced and Professional edition only

If you have a single E-shaped table, then the name of the section (sprig) is shown instead of the table name.

Change the Columns to change the number of columns of guest information displayed.

Change the Text percentage to change the percentage of the space occupied by scrolling text. The remainder will display the floor plan. Set it to 100% to hide the floor plan. The image shown is a simplified version of your floor plan. To change the colour or other properties of the floor plan (including the seat number font size) go to the floor_plan_16Floor Plan pane.

Move the Speed slider right to increase the scrolling speed and left to decrease the scrolling speed.

Click the nav_next_16 button to start the text scrolling and the pause_16 button to pause it (only one of these is visible at any time).

Click the fullscreen_16 button to display this pane full screen. Press any key or click the mouse to exit full screen mode.

Click on the more_button_w button to show additional options.

Click the Font font drop-down list, size edit or colour button to change the font, size or colour of the scrolling text. Check auto size to have the font size set automatically.

Click the Background colour button to change the background colour of the pane.

Check the contrast check box if you want to show alternate rows in a contrast colour.

Change the Floor plan drop-down list to change whether the floor plan image is displayed on the left of the scrolling text or on top of the scrolling text.

Click the Title... button to add/edit title text.

Professional edition only

Click the Footer... button to add/edit footer text.

Click the Terms... button to change the column headers used (e.g. to another language).

See also:

video_16VDU chart (video with audio, 2:17 minutes)

Assign (or reassign) seats in real time

Display seating on a VDU or plasma screen