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The easiest way to send your seating plan to your caterer is to email the plan file. They can download a free version of PerfectTablePlan to view your plan (they will need a licence to save changes). Alternatively you can export and email the information they will need in a range of formats.
You can print or export this information from the Summary report in the Report pane (note that meal courses and special requirements will be totalled separately if they are separated by commas, e.g. soup,fish,flan). Use File>Export and select report to text/CSV/HTML file to export an HTML or text file.
You can create a report of meal by table (and various other custom reports) using the Detailed (summary) report. |
You can print or export this information from the Floor Plan pane. Use File>Export and select Floor Plan to image file to export an image file. Most people can read PDF and PNG format files.
You can print or export this information from the Table Chart pane or
Table Plan pane for each table. Ensure the notes, special and meal information are displayed. Use File>Export and select table chart to text/CSV/HTML file to export a text, CSV or HTML file. Use File>Export and select Table Plan to image file to export an image file.