Insert Text window

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Insert Text window

The add_text_16Insert Text window allows you to add text to the floor_plan_16Floor Plan pane. This text can be used for titles, headers, footers and captions. To display this window click the add_text_16Insert Text button at the top of the floor_plan_16Floor Plan pane.

Text is the content of the text.

Set Angle to the rotation angle of the text.

Click the Font... button to set the font for the text.

Use the Colour button to set a colour for the text.

Click Add to accept the changes and close the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes.

Note The new text will be placed automatically in the floor_plan_16Floor Plan pane. It will attempt to place it in a space near the centre of the room. You can then drag it to the appropriate position.

You can change any of the text properties at a later point using the add_text_16Text Properties window.

See also:

Add a title or text into the floor plan

Set transparent as colour