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The EditionThere are 3 different PerfectTablePlan products (editions). Each edition is aimed at a different type of user. When you enter your licence key in the Licence window this will set PerfectTablePlan to the edition you have purchased. But, if you are using the trial version of PerfectTablePlan, you can choose any of the 3 editions to try. You can also try a different edition to the one you have purchased (for example you can try the Advanced edition, even if you have only purchased the Home edition) but your licence key will be invalid until you revert to the correct edition. Note You may lose data if you change the edition. For example, if you change from Advanced edition to Home edition any custom fields will be deleted. You may therefore wish to save your plan before changing edition. Click Compare editions to find out more about the different editions of PerfectTablePlan. GeneralCheck automatically capitalise names to automatically capitalise guests titles, first names and last names as they are typed (e.g. convert mr john smith automatically to Mr John Smith). Check show tool tips to display helpful tool tips when you hover the mouse over controls and over tables and seats in the Check large toolbar icons to display tool bar icons as 32x32 pixels, otherwise they will be displayed 24x24 pixels. Check tool bar text to show text under each tool bar icon. Check hide new/open/recent/save tool bar icons to hide the tool bar buttons for basic actions. Even if this box is unchecked the buttons will only be shown in some contexts, depending on the View>User interface and Task bar settings. Check export image as large as possible to make The At start-up drop-down list allows you to choose how to open plan files at start-up. If you wish to open the most recently accessed plan each time you start PerfectTablePlan, select Open last plan. If you wish to show the Most Recently Accessed window each time you start PerfectTablePlan, select Open 'Most recent' window. If you wish to start with a new empty plan, select Don't open anything. Select User interface style according to whether you want to use the newer 'unified' style, with a merged toolbar and titlebar for the Main window. Separate toolbar and titlebar style Unified toolbar and titlebar style Set New table name format according to how you would like new tables to be named. See below for examples. You can rename the tables at any point using the Table Properties window.
Use New seat row name format to set the default name for rows of seats. Similar to above, but using {next_row_num} to substitute in the number of the next row. Use Anonymous guest name format to set the name format for anonymous guests. Set Export/copy image margin to the % margin you want around Select Floor/Table Plan pane mouse wheel behaviour according to whether you want the mouse wheel to zoom in, zoom out or scroll down when you move the mouse wheel backwards in the Select Allow seat assignment with RSVP according to which RSVP statuses you wish to allow guests to be assigned with. Changing this the selection can cause guests to be unassigned from their seats if their RSVP status is incompatible with the new setting. Select Automatically check for software updates depending on how frequently you wish to check online for updates to PerfectTablePlan. Auto assignSelect according to guest proximity if you want to the auto seating to assign guests according to the proximities set in the Select seconds if you wish the automatic assignment to stop after the specified number of seconds. We recommend at least 30 seconds. If you have a lot of guests or a very slow PC you may have to increase this time considerably. Select attempts without improvement if you wish the automatic assignment to stop after a specified number of attempts (generations) without improvement. We recommend you allow at least 10 attempts. If you set this number very high and have a lot of guests or a very slow PC the automatic assignment may run for a long time. Select whichever happens first to stop when either of the above criteria is met, e.g. the automatic assignment has run for x seconds or y attempts without an improvement. Note You can stop the automatic assignment at any time by pressing the Stop button or the Esc key. This will keep the best assignment so far. See automatic assignment for a discussion of automatic assignment times. Check alternate males and females if you want the automatic assignment to try to alternate males and females around each table (e.g. M-F-M-F-M-F...). TitlesTitles that you add here will be available in the guest Title field for all plans. Add titles appropriate to your usage, for example military ranks, Masonic ranks or non-English titles. Note This is intended for titles that come before the name, e.g. Dr, Herr, Colonel etc. It is not intended for titles that come after the name (post-nominal). These are best handled by adding them individually to the Display name field in the You can also specify a default gender, age and VIP status. This is used when inserting new guests. It is also used when importing to set guest gender, age and VIP status (if not supplied) from their title. Click Click Click Click Click Click Import from plan to import titles from the current plan into the preferences. Set Default couple to the titles you wish to use as the default when adding a couple or family. TermsYou can change words that appear in the Table Plan pane, Guest Chart pane and Report pane here. For example, you might want to use the German "Tisch" instead of the English "Table": To change which terms are shown, select from the Show terms for drop-down list. To change a term just click on the appropriate term in the Change to column and edit it. To restore all the terms to the default settings click the Reset defaults button. Note These changes only affect words inside panes. The user interface is currently only available in English. BackupsCheck when saved to create a backup file each time you save a plan. Check on auto-assignment to create a backup file each time you run an auto-assignment. Check automatically every to create a backup file at the specified time interval. The plan will only be backed-up if it has been changed during this time. WarningsCheck warn on delete guest or group to confirm each guest or group deletion. Check warn on delete table to confirm each table deletion. Check warn if auto assignment will re-assign guests to confirm each time the automatic assignment will re-assign unlocked guests to new seats. Check warn if guests have duplicate names to confirm adding a guest with the same title, first name and last name as an existing guest. Check warn if printing stationery to wrong page & size/orientation to warn when printing stationery if the stationery page size or orientation does not match the printer settings. ButtonsClick OK to accept the changes. Click Cancel to discard the changes. Changes to this window affect all plans. |