Proximity pane

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Proximity pane

The heart_16Proximity pane shows an abstract view of who should be placed near whom.

Note The table is symmetric, if you change the proximity for column A and row B, the proximity for row B and column A will change automatically.

You can move around the table and change values using the Arrow keys, Space bar and Return key.

Select from Display to change how the guest names are displayed.

Type text in the search_16Search row and search_16Search column fields to hide non-matching guest names. E.g. if you type jo in the search_16Search row field it will hide all rows for guests without jo in their name (case is ignored). Click the search_cancel_16cancel icon or press the Esc key to clear the field.

Default proximity values are set automatically for guests when they are added as a couple, family or group, but you can add to or override as you wish. For example, if you add Mr & Mrs A as a couple they will be automatically assigned proximity heart_16Next to (a heart_16 will appear in the cells where the columns and rows for Mr A and Mrs A intersect). The automatic assignment will then try to put them next to each other. To change this proximity to sad_16Not Next to (perhaps they have had an argument!) click on the cell and select sad_16 from the drop-down list.

You can change the default proximities for couples, families and groups in the prefs_16Preferences window.

Click on the more_button_w button to show additional options.

Select from For:

All: all guests

By group: guests in the selected group

By group+: guests in the selected group and all guests with non-neutral proximity to members of this group

Select from the drop-down list or click on the left_arrow_16 and right_arrow_16 buttons to change the selected group.

Select from Columns:

Show all: show all columns.

Hide non-empty: hide columns that have at least one non-neutral proximity.

Hide empty: hide columns that have only neutral proximity.

Note Columns hidden by Columns are in addition to columns hidden by search_16Search column.

Check assignable guests only to show only guests who can be assigned to seats (due to their locked + RSVP status and settings in the prefs_16Preferences window).

Hint If you want to change the proximity for everyone in a single group it may be easier to select a group (in the group_16Groups pane) or more than one guest (in the unknown_adult_16Guests pane or group_16Groups pane) and then select Edit>Proximity. You can set the proximity for everyone on a table by selecting the table and then Edit>Proximity. This can be useful for arranging multiple seatings.

Professional edition only

Click on the Bulk Edit... button to update large numbers of proximities in a single operation in the Bulk Edit Proximity window.

See also:

video_16Bulk edit proximity (video with audio, 1:08 minutes)

See also:

Change the proximity for multiple guests
