Event Information window

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Event Information window

The info_16Event Information window allows you to show/edit general properties of the plan. To display this window select File>Event Information or the equivalent Main tool bar button.

Event allows you to enter a brief description of the event.

Venue allows you to enter a brief description of the event location.

Date allows you to enter the date of the event. The date format conforms to your system locale. For example if you have set your locale to the USA you should see MM/DD/YYYY format dates and if you have set your local to the UK you should see DD/MM/YYYY format dates. You can change your locale through the operating system, e.g. in Windows 11 go to Control Panel>Regional and language options. You need to restart PerfectTablePlan after changing the locale to see the effect.

Days remaining shows the number of days remaining until the event.

Notes is for general notes on the event.

Click OK to accept the changes and close the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes.