Guest Properties window

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Guest Properties window

The unknown_adult_16Guest Properties window allows you to show/edit guest properties. To display this window select a single guest in the unknown_adult_16Guests, group_16Groups, floor_plan_16Floor Plan, table_circular_16Table Plan or schematic_16Schematic panes and select Edit>Properties or the equivalent Main tool bar button or double-click on the guest.


Check Anon if you don't know the name of the guest.

Title is the guest's title. You can type the title or select it from existing choices in the drop-down list. Once you have typed it in once, it will be available to select next time you create a guest in this plan. Common titles can also be configured in the prefs_16Preferences window.

First name(s) is the guest's first (given) name(s). You can also record middle names or initials, if you wish.

Last name(s) is the guest's last (family) name(s).

Suffix can be used for anything that appears after the guest's name, such as a: job title (e.g. 'Director of sales'), role (e.g. 'Master of ceremonies'), qualification (e.g. 'BSc') or post-nominal title (e.g. 'OBE'). Common suffixes can also be configured in the prefs_16Preferences window.

Display name is the name in the format you want to display it, e.g. Mr John Smith Phd, Master of Ceremonies. PerfectTablePlan sets a default display name from the Title, First name, Last name and Suffix (according to the Default display name format field in the Names tab of the prefs_16Preferences window), but you can change this at any time. You can also use HTML tags to control the appearance of the guest Display name field. See names and titles for more details.

Gender is the gender of the guest. This can be useful information when doing the assignments. The automatic assignment will endeavour to alternate men and women where it can (unless you have disabled this in the prefs_16Preferences window). PerfectTablePlan will try to set the Gender from the Title, but you can change this at any time.

Age is the age of the guest: adult or child. Typically a child is anyone under the age of 16. This can be useful information when doing the seat assignments. PerfectTablePlan will try to set the age from the Title where it can, but you can change this at any time.

Meal is the meal choice for this guest. You can type the meal or select it from existing choices in the drop-down list. Once you have typed it in once, it will be available to select next time. If you have a choice of more than one course you should enter the courses separated by commas, e.g. soup,fish,flan, the stats_16Report pane will then total each course separately.

Special req. is for any special requirements the guest has, for example: nut allergy, elderly or in a wheel chair. If there is more than one special requirement they should be separated by commas, the stats_16Report pane will then total each special requirement separately.

Notes is for any general notes relevant to the guest. This can be used to store any information not stored elsewhere, for example whether the guest has paid. Click on Stamp >> to add a time and date stamped comment to the top of the Notes.

Image is an image to optionally display for this guest. To change the image, either:

Click on the Browse... button to select an image file to load. PNG, JPEG and BMP image file formats are supported. You can also click on the image to select an image file; or

Drag and drop an image onto Image; or

Select an image from the drop-down list; or

Click Default to set the default image for the guest gender and age.

Guest images larger than 128 x 128 pixels will be automatically resized to fit with 128 x 128 pixels.

Check VIP if the guest is an important guest, for example a guest of honour or a member of a wedding party. The automatic assignment will take special care assigning their seat, trying to assign them to a VIP table if there is one.

Check Locked to lock the guest to their current seat (or no seat). You will have to unlock them to reassign their seat. This is particularly useful for stopping the automatic assignment from moving them.

Select the RSVP status according to whether an invite has been sent, accepted, declined or cancelled. Note that you may not be able to assign guests who have not tick_16Accepted, depending on your settings in the prefs_16Preferences window.

Use Work phone, Home phone, Mobile and Email to store guest contact details. It is also possible to store contact details for the group in the Group tab.

Assigned shows which seat the guest has been assigned to (if any).

All fields are optional, except that a guest must have at least a First name or a Last name.

Advanced and Professional editions only

You can add your own custom fields.

Note You can also edit many of these properties directly in the unknown_adult_16Guests pane and group_16Groups pane.


Name is the name of the group. PerfectTablePlan will attempt to guess a reasonable name from the names of the members when the group is created, but you can change this at any time.

Notes is for any general notes relevant to everyone in the group. Click on Stamp >> to add a time and date stamped comment to the top of the Notes.

Note You can easily change the group of a guest by dragging them from one group to another in the group_16Groups pane.

The contact details in this tab are shared by everyone in the group. This information is optional. It can be useful for creating stationery, such as address labels. You can also store phone numbers and emails for each guest.


Click on the nav_first_16 nav_prev_16 nav_next_16 nav_last_16 buttons to display the properties of the first, previous, next or last guest. The guests are ordered alphabetically.

Click OK to accept the changes and close the window. Click Apply to apply the changes without closing the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the window. You will be warned if the guest has been edited to have the same First Name, Last name and Title as an existing guest (unless you have disabled this warning).

See also:

Add or remove dots at the end of titles

Edit a property for multiple guests

Names and titles