Export to PDF format

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Export to PDF format

PDF is a vector image format popularised by Adobe Acrobat. Many print shops will prefer PDF format if you want to print the floor_plan_16Floor Plan, tablechart_16Table Chart , guestchart_16Guest Chart or stationery_16Stationery pane to poster size. For example, to export the floor_plan_16Floor Plan pane as a PDF:

1.Select File>Export, the export_16Export window will appear.

2.Select floor plan to PDF/PNG/JPG/BMP image file.

3.Click OK, the Export Floor Plan window will appear.

4.Select the file type as PDF, choose a file name and location and click Save, the Export PDF window will appear.

5.Select the appropriate Size and Orientation for the PDF and click OK.

If you have problems with built-in PDF export you can also export PDFs indirectly, as described below.

Creating PDFs indirectly on Windows

On Windows you can use the free PDF-Creator software. Once installed PDF-creator appears as a another printer, but when you print to it creates a PDF document.

PDF-creator home page

PDF-creator download page

PDF-creator readme file

Note that PDFs produced by PDF Creator are likely to be lower quality than PDFs produced by exporting. However the PDF file may also be significantly smaller.

We are not able to offer any support for third party software. Use of third party software is entirely at your own risk.

Checking the output

You can check that the PDF output is acceptable using the free Adobe Acrobat reader. Many web browsers can also read PDF files.