Edit Guest Property window

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Edit Guest Property window

The Edit Guest Property window allows you to change a guest property (e.g. title, meal choice or RSVP status) for multiple guests in a single operation. To display this window select the guests you wish to edit in the unknown_adult_16Guests, group_16 Groups, floor_plan_16Floor plan, table_circular_16Table plan or schematic_16Schematic panes and then select a sub-menu under Edit>Guest Property containing '...'.

Note Selecting a table in the floor_plan_16Floor plan, table_circular_16Table plan or schematic_16Schematic panes will select all the guests on that table. Selecting a group in the group_16Groups pane will select all guests in that group.

The display names of the guests selected will be displayed (up to 10) and the property to edit. If the guests have more than one value for this property <<varies>> will be displayed. <<varies>> is not an acceptable value to set.

Click OK to accept the changes and close the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes.

See also:

Edit a property for multiple guests