Create a re-usable template plan

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Create a re-usable template plan

To create a template plan that you can re-use for similar events:

1.Create the plan that you want to be the template.

2.File>Save As to a new file, e.g. ''.

Each time you need to create a new plan based on the template:

1.File>Open the template plan you created.

2.File>Save As to a new plan file, e.g. ‘’

3.Modify the plan for the new event.


Advanced and Professional editions only

1.Create the plan that you want to be the template, including any custom fields.

2.File>Save As Template to a new template file, e.g. 'template.tpt'.

Each time you need to create a new plan based on the template:

1.File>Open the template plan you created.

2.Modify the plan for the new event.


See also:

Copy guests from one plan to another

Find a missing plan file