Choose Plans window

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Choose Plans window

Advanced and Professional editions only

The Choose plans window allows you to choose plans for the Multi-plan reports in the stats_16Report pane. The plans will be listed in the report in the same order they are displayed in this window. The maximum number of plans depends on which Edition of PerfectTablePlan you have.

Check/uncheck include current plan to include or exclude the current plan. it will use the version in memory (including any unsaved changes) rather than the version last saved to disk.

Click add_16Add to add one or more plans.

Click delete_16Delete to delete the selected plan(s).

Click up_arrow_16Up to move the selected plans(s) up one row.

Click down_arrow_16Down to move the selected plan(s) down one row.

Click OK to choose these plans and close the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes.