<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Reference > User interface > Windows > Shuffle Seats window |
Use this window to move 1 or more selected guests 1 or more seats clockwise or anti-clockwise on the same table. This is different to rotating the table because guests change seats, but the table and seats are not changed. To display this window select Edit>Shuffle Seats....
Set seats(s) to the number of seats you want to move the selected guests.
Set Clockwise/Anti-Clockwise to the direction you want to move them.
For example shuffling guests A, B, D and H by 2 seats clockwise:
Will have the following end result:
The shuffle function can be very useful when you have resized an E-shaped table. |
Locked seats are ignored (flowed around) when calculating the seat shuffled to.
If you want to select a number of seats to shuffle, but not a whole table:
•Left-click and drag a 'rubber box' in the Floor Plan pane to select the seats.
•Use +Click to unselect any seats or tables you didn't intend to select.
If shuffling seats is slow, trying hiding the legend in the Table Plan pane.
Hint You can also use keyboard accelerators +} and
+{ to shuffle selected guests 1 seat clockwise or anti-clockwise.