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Data in PerfectTablePlan can be exported in a variety of formats for use in other applications, such as image editors, spreadsheets, wordprocessors and web browsers.
Select File>Export... to display the Export window.
Select guest and seating data to CSV/text file to export data in a flexible, text form for import by other applications, such as spreadsheets. The Export Data window will appear. This window allows you to specify which guest properties to export and what file format to use. For export to a spreadsheet or database you would typically export a CSV file. See the
Export Data window page for more details.
Select guest data to vCard file to export guest data in a form that can be imported into most applications with address books, including Outlook, Palm Pilot desktop and Apple Address Book. The Export VCard window will appear. This window allows you to specify which guests to export and whether to export each guest to a separate vCard file. See the Export VCard window page for more details.
Select a pane to export to PDF to create a vector image file. Select a pane to export to PNG, JPG or BMP format to create a raster image file.
PDF format gives the best quality when you need to enlarge an image. PNG is a good compromise between size and quality. JPEG files are small, but are of low quality. BMP files can be very large and are not usually recommended. To export a BMP, JPEG or PNG image as large as possible check export image as large as possible in the Preferences window.
Usage |
Recommended format |
Large and/or high quality prints |
Outputting an image for modification in Photoshop/PaintShop/Paint |
Small file size/low quality images |
Select a pane to export to CSV, text or HTML to export the appropriate pane as text.
HTML retains some of the formatting, but not the font size as there is no direct way to translate point size into HTML. You should be able to reset the font size easily enough in the other application. Also the chart layout can look cramped if the chart is too big for the other application. You may be able to fix this by reducing the font size, changing the page orientation to landscape and/or reducing the number of columns in the chart.
Export to web to upload a simplified version of the Guests and
Floor plan panes to our server. You can email a link to this page to anyone you want to be able to look at your plan. Any device with an Internet connection and a reasonably modern web browser should be able to access it, including iPads. But please note that:
•You cannot make changes to the plan from your web browser. However you can modify the plan from your desktop computer and upload it again. If you re-export the plan, anyone looking at it in a web browser will be prompted if they wish to reload it.
•Your plan is not password protected and we cannot guarantee that your uploaded data will remain confidential. Anyone who knows (or guesses) the location of the page on our server will be able to look at your plan. Confidential plans should not be exported to our web server.
•You can export either detailed or minimal information. The minimal option does not include some of the more detailed data, such as guest notes, VIP status and special requirements.
•The web export service is provided 'as is' free of charge and with no warranty of any kind. We cannot guarantee 100% availability of our server and can withdraw the service at any time.
•We will delete uploaded plans from time to time to make space (typically after 30 days without being accessed).
See also:
•Export a chart/report to Excel/Word
•Export guest and seating data to Excel