The Custom Fields window allows you to define your own properties for guests. To display this window select Edit>Custom Fields... .
Click on Add to add a new custom field. The number of custom fields are limited by the edition selected.
Click on Del to delete the selected custom fields.
Click on Up to move the selected custom fields up.
Click on Down to move the selected custom fields down.
Click OK to accept the changes and close the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes.
The properties of each custom field are:
The name of the custom field (maximum 20 characters). No two custom fields can have the same name.
The type of field (see below).
Allowed values
The values the field can take. The user can only set this for Selection types.
Default value
The value set by default for new and existing guests.
Notes on the field. This appears as a tooltip when you hover over the corresponding control.
The types of custom field are:
Field type
Allowed values
Yes or No.
Any text.
Any whole number (integer) between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
Any floating point number between -21,474,836.48 and 21,474,836.47. Accurate to two decimal places.
One of a comma separated list of items defined in the Allowed values column.
0, 1 or many comma separated items.
You cannot change the type of a custom field after you have clicked OK. You can delete it and replace it with a custom field with a different type and the same name, but you will lose all the values set for the original custom field.
See also:
•Custom fields |