Create an E-shaped table

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Advanced and Professional editions only

You can add an E-shaped table by selecting Insert>E-shaped Table... .


videoVideo with audio (3:39 minutes)

If you have PerfectTablePlan Home edition you can create an E-shaped table (and other complex table types) by composing it from basic table shapes. Typically you will use a head table plus a banquet table for each 'sprig'. If you need to add guests at the end of the banquet tables you can use custom tables instead.

See the 'masonic_sample_Home_edition' table plan shipped with PerfectTablePlan for an example of an E-shaped table plan.



Set the Inside and Outside colours of the tables the same in the colours_and_fonts_16Fonts and Colours window so that you won't see where the tables overlap.

Set the Seats drop-down list at the top of the Floor Plan pane to Name only banquet for a name layout that is easy to read and makes good use of space.