Visualization colours window |
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When you use colours to visualize gender, meal, group and custom fields in the To display this window in the 1.Click the 2.Click the Visualization... button in the To display this window in the 3.Click on a colour code spot in the 4.Click the Colours... button that appears at the bottom of the pane. Set Field to the name of the field whose colours you wish to change. Set Colours per value depending on the number of colours you wish to use to represent a value. 2 colour schemes can be useful if you are trying to distinguish between lots of different values. E.g. if you have 100 groups, it is hard to choose 100 visually distinct colours. 2 colour schemes are only available for Groups and custom fields of type Selection. Click on a colour button to edit the colour. Click OK to accept the changes and close the window. Click Apply to apply the changes without closing the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the window. Note Changes to the colours only affect the current plan. If you wish to use these colours in other plans you will need to create a re-usable template plan. |