Image Properties window |
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The A preview of the currently selected image is displayed. You can drag and drop a new image here, e.g. from Mac OS X Finder or a web browser. If you have added other images to this plan you can select them from the Select image drop-down list. Click on the Choose... button to select an image file to load. PNG, JPEG and BMP image file formats are supported. Name is the name of the original image file. Pixels is the size of the image in pixels (the preview may be displayed smaller in this window). Set the Size field(s) to the dimensions of the image as it appears in the floor plan. Note that the image preview will not change. Check Constrain proportions to display the image with the same width:height proportions (aspect ratio) as the image. Set the Units drop-down list to your preferred units. Set Angle to the rotation angle of the image on the floor plan. Note that the image preview will not change. Notes can be used to store any relevant notes for the image. Click on Stamp >> to add a time and date stamped comment to the top of the Notes. The image data is stored inside your plan file, so you can move the plan file to another computer without losing your image data. Click OK to accept the changes and close the window. Click Apply to apply the changes without closing the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes. See also: |