Custom Fields window

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Advanced and Professional editions only

The Custom Fields window allows you to define your own properties for guests. For example you can add properties to define: which organization a guest belongs to, which languages they speak and how much they have paid for their ticket. To display this window select Edit>Custom Fields... .

Click on add_16Add to add a new custom field. The number of custom fields are limited by the edition selected.

Click on delete_16Del to delete the selected custom fields.

Click on up_arrow_16Up to move the selected custom fields up.

Click on down_arrow_16Down to move the selected custom fields down.

Click OK to accept the changes and close the window. Click Cancel to discard the changes.

The properties of each custom field are:




The name of the custom field (maximum 20 characters). No two custom fields can have the same name.


The type of field (see below).

Allowed values

The values the field can take. The user can only set this for Selection types.

Default value

The value set by default for new and existing guests.


Notes on the field. This appears as a tooltip when you hover over the corresponding control.

The types of custom field are:

Field type

Allowed values

Example usage


Yes or No.

In wheelchair


Any text.

Job title


Any whole number (integer) between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.

Bottles of wine ordered


Any floating point number  between -21,474,836.48 and 21,474,836.47. Accurate to two decimal places.

Amount owing


One of a comma separate list of items defined in the Allowed values column.



0, 1 or many comma separated items.

Languages spoken

For example you might create a:

Selection custom field called "affiliation" with values "wedding party", "bride's family", "groom's family", "bride's friends", "groom's friends" and "other". Each guest can then be categorised by their affiliation into exactly one of the allowed values.
Tags custom field called "languages spoken". For each guest you can then list 0, 1 or many languages they speak separated by commas, e.g.: "English", "English,Spanish" or "English,French,Spanish".

You cannot change the type of a custom field after you have clicked OK. You can delete it and replace it with a custom field with a different type and the same name, but you will lose all the values set for the original custom field.

Custom fields affect PerfectTablePlan in the following ways:

Guests pane and Groups pane

An additional column appears for each custom field. You can show/hide these fields by clicking on the mac_reveal button and checking/unchecking the appropriate box.

Import window

Values can be imported into custom fields. Any £, $ or € characters will be stripped from currency values during importing.

Floor Plan pane

Visualization buttons are added for each custom field of type Yes/No, Tags and Selection. If you click one of these buttons the guests will be coloured appropriately. For Tags types a separate colour band is shown for each value.

A custom field property can be displayed instead of the guest name by selecting the custom field from the Guests drop-down list.

Custom field values are shown when you hover over a guest.

Table Plan pane

Similar to the Floor Plan pane, but custom fields can also be shown in the legend text by checking the appropriate box. You can show/hide these fields by clicking on the mac_reveal button and checking/unchecking the appropriate box.

Table Chart pane and Guest Chart pane

A check box is shown for each custom field. You can show/hide these fields by clicking on the mac_reveal button and checking/unchecking the appropriate box.

Stationery pane

A substitution text is added for each custom field, e.g. if the custom field name is "Languages spoken" the substitution text will be {languages_spoken}.

Report pane

Custom fields are included in reports. Number and currency fields are summed.

Automatic seat assignment

You can set proximities for fields of type Yes/No and Selection. For example, you could create a custom field 'married status' with allowed values: married, single male and single female . You could then set the proximity in the appropriate Custom field proximity pane so that single males are sat next to single females by the automatic seat assignment.

Export window

Custom fields values can be exported.