Export formats

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PerfectTablePlan exports information in 7 major forms:

Excel CSV (Comma Separated Value ) - A text file readable by Microsoft Excel. Columns and rows are delimited (separated) by commas and carriage returns, respectively. " and , characters are quoted.
Delimited text data - A text file with the user's choice of delimiters. Useful for importing into a wide range of applications. Excel CSV is a special form of delimited text data.
vCard file - vCard files be imported into most applications with address books, including Outlook, Palm Pilot desktop and Apple Address Book.
Raster image (e.g. .PNG, .JPG and .BMP) - An image described as a 2 dimension array of coloured cells (pixels) that can be read by many graphics packages, such as Photoshop and Microsoft Paint.
Vector image (e.g. PDF) - An image described in terms of primitive shapes, e.g. a circle of a given radius and position, that can be read by some drawing packages such as Adobe Acrobat.
HTML text (e.g. .HTML) - A textual representation with layout and formatting that can be read into a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firebird or Safari. Many wordprocessors, such as Microsoft Word, can also read HTML.
plain text (e.g. .TXT) - A textual representation without layout and formatting that can be read into a wide range of applications.

Different formats are useful for different things. However there are important things to bear in mind when deciding whether to use raster or vector images:

Raster images can degrade when resized, for example when printed to poster size. Vector images can normally be resized without problems.
Raster images are much harder to edit than vector images, because a table is drawn as an array of many separate cells rather than a circle or a rectangle.
Vector image formats are less widely supported than raster formats and can therefore be harder to print or modify.