Create address labels, place cards and name badges in Word

You can export data from your PerfectTablePlan to create place cards and name badges using the mail merge facility in Microsoft Word™:

  1. Start PerfectTablePlan.

  2. Open your plan using File|Open... .

  3. Select File|Export|Guest data... .

  4. Select guest from Export record per .

  5. Check output header record .

  6. Click the Select all button.

  7. Click on the Browse... button and choose an appropriate location to save the export file. Save the file with extension ".txt", e.g. "export.txt".

  8. Click the OK button.

  9. Exit PerfectTablePlan.

  10. Start Microsoft Word (Note We can accept no liability for you installing or using third party software).

  11. Select Tools|Mail merge... . The Mail Merge Helper window will appear.

  12. Select Create|Mailing labels... . Click the Active Window button.

  13. Select Get Data|Open data source... . The Open Data Source window will appear.

  14. From Files of type select Text files (*.txt) . Navigate to the export file you created and click the Open button.

  15. Click the Set up main document button. The Label Options window will appear.

  16. Choose the appropriate label/card type and click OK. The Create Labels window will appear.

  17. Select the appropriate fields from Insert Merge Field, for example:

  1. Click the OK button.

  1. Click on the Merge to new document tool bar button.

  2. A new document should now be created with the merged data in the labels. You can print this document.

Note The user interface of Word may differ between different versions.

For more information see Export data window and the Microsoft Word™ documentation.

The procedure should be similar for other wordprocessor/labelling applications - just export a text file using File|Export|Guest data... and then use it as a data source.

Hint You can also create cards, labels and badges using Avery Design Pro, which (at the time of writing) you can download free from You will need to make the exported data available as an ODBC data source, for example by reading it into Microsoft Excel™. It is beyond the scope of this document to discuss this, consult the Avery and Microsoft help.

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